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Things To Remember When Drafting Resumes

With the recession almost at its peak and companies announcing new job cuts post Q1 results, its important that one has his / her resume up-to-date. Though, am not an expert in resumes or career management, in this post, i am going to share some tips and facts that i have learnt after having gone through various resumes, creating and updating my own resume.

This article describes some points which you must remember when drafting out your resume.

1.) Have a cover letter for your resume. Having a cover letter makes your resume get more brownie points when it comes to evaluating a candidate based on his / her genuineness. A cover letter can also work wonders if you do not have an objective section in your resume. You can even drop the objective from your resume. In lieu of an objective, try a summary with a maximum of four bulleted points. If it runs longer, then it's really not a summary but the exposition itself.

2.) Have a resume which fits the role you intend to apply for. Its important that the job applicant understands the importance of the role and the company he wishes to apply to. The more you know about the employer and the job, the more you can tailor your resume to fit the position, the better are your chances of getting to the interview.

3.) Do not add your personal details like your marital status, number of dependents, health status in your resume. Its important that you don't enter these details for legal reasons. Such details can often also be a cause of discrimination.

4.) Keep your resume concise. Nobody in the end is actually interested in reading each and every line of your resume. Ensure that you have a resume which is two pages or less. Also do highlight keywords like certification, tools used etc. Its important to have correct keywords in your resume to make it search engine friendly. Most of the recruiters looking out for candidates are not well verse with the job themselves. All they are looking out for is, keywords from the Job Description.

5.) Have a Header or a Footer for your resume document. Ensure that you have your name and page numbers ( Page X of Y) on your resume document. This is especially helpful because most of the resume's change hands not only in e-mails, but also as hard copies. In the end, you dont want to confuse the recruiter screening your resume.

6.) Use action oriented words. Have action words instead of using phrases like "was responsible for "; using words like "led", "achieved", "arranged", "facilitated" have a greater impact.

"A great resume doesn't just tell a prospective employer what you have done but makes the same assertion that all good ads do: If you buy this product, you will get these specific, direct benefits. It convinces the employer that you have what it takes to be successful in this new position."

Above are just a few of the tips i wanted to share with you. Do let me know if you have any specific points to share and i will update the post accordingly.

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