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Are BPOs still a popular industry to build a career with?

Source TimesJobs.com

Talking on the topic of the BPOs current popularity and success rate in the market today, Suryaprakash Kukyan, the Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer at OPI Global, hosted a High Tea session with TimesJobs candidates.

Some highlights of his opinion and advice include:

"I would say BPO is a stable industry to work with not just in India but globally where such services are provided. Even when the global economy was on a down trend BPO industry did grow. So this industry is here to stay."

"Attrition itself tells us that there are opportunities in the market and in a global recesion the first thing that comes to mind of a CEO is to manage cost and that is where the additional work comes to countries where we can deliver cost effective and quality solution. Therefore recession cannot be the reason for some one to take back the work."

"Obama's statement will definitely have some impact from the company's who have taken stimulus money from the government, otherwise if you remember even five years back same topic was raised and the politician made the same statement we have grown multifold in outsourcing opportunities. Therefore it is not a threat."

"BPO jobs are not going out of style. BPO industry is here to stay and if make a educated decision on what type of a BPO sector you want to join then you can easily have a career growth."

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